3부: 포닥 연구 일기/논문 히스토리

일곱 번째 논문 - 영문 교정 (22.08.29)

Jinsustory 2022. 8. 29. 11:39

이번 논문은 리뷰 후 리젝을 받아서 조금 더 신경을 쓰었고, 재 투고 전에 교정을 바았다.

몇 가지 교정 코멘트를 기록해둔다.

#1. The purpose of the abstract is to state the content of the paper. Background and motivation are irrelevant. (Anybody who has found your paper will know them anyway.)

# 2. Define all variables and give their units (For example in the equations). I think you may include them in the Supporting Information, but the readers may not have access to it, so the definitions should be included in the text. I suggest that you tabulate them at the end of the paper.

#3. Deteriorate/Degrade: “Deteriorate” is an intransitive verb; if has no object. (Like “sleep”: I can sleep, but I cannot sleep the dog). Things deteriorate, but they do not deteriorate other things.  If you intend the second meaning, use “degrade”.


#4. “-friendly”: This is a dumbed-down term invented by a journalist to avoid confusing people by making them learn what ‘benign’ means.

#5. “Between” vs. “Among”. “Between is used for comparisons of two items; among is for > 2.

[기타 본문 교정]

#6. Abbreviation: mole (x) mol (o)


#7. Handling: 잘못된 의미로 사용하였음. 원래 의미

- how easy a vehicle is to control:
- the way that someone deals with a situation or person:


#8. English puts the comma before the conjunction, not after.


#9. toroidal:

 - of, relating to, or shaped like a torus or toroid: doughnut-shaped


#10. Reflect:

Mirrors reflect; equations represent, not reflected.

# 11. Stiff vs. steep

NOT 'stiffly'; you are spelling a Korean mispronunciation!


아직도 부족한게 많다. 리딩에 시간을 의도적으로 투입하고 공부하지 않는 이상 실력이 늘지 않는 다는 것을 깨달았다.


영문 교정의 힘을 빌려 재투고는 완료했다..!

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