티스토리 뷰

Reference: Curran, Mary Ann. Life-cycle assessment: inventory guidelines and principles. CRC Press, 2020.

입문으로 가볍게 읽기에 적당한 130 페이지 분량의 짧은 책이다.

목차를 소개한다.


Summary and Index of Guiding Statements and Key Principles

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Overview

Chapter 3. Procedural Framework for Life-Cycle Inventory

Chapter 4. General Issues in Performing a Life-Cycle Inventory

Chapter 5. Issues Applicable to Specific Life-Cycle Stages

본 포스팅에서는 Abstract의 핵심 내용을 정리해보았다.

 - Three components of LCA (Inventory analysis, impact analysis, and improvement analysis)
 - Major stages in a life cycle: raw materials acquisition, manufacturing, consumer use/reuse/maintenance, and recycle/waste management
- Basic steps of performing an LCI: Defining the goals and system boundaries, including scoping; gathering and developing data; presenting and reviewing data; and interpreting and communicating results
참고로, 본 책에서는 인벤토리 분석만 다루고 impact analysis & life-cycle improvement analysis는 다루지 않았다.


매주 틈틈히 공부해서 내용을 채워보자 :)

