티스토리 뷰

LCA is a concept to evaluate the environmental effects associated with any given activity

from the initial gathering of raw material from the earth until the point

at which all residuals are returned to the earth.

LCA consists of three complementary components:

inventory analysis,

impact analysis,

and improvement analysis.

The newest aspects of LCA are goal definition and scoping analysis

which serve to tailor the scope and boundaries to the study.

요약 1) 꽤 최근와서 환경/에너지/지속가능성 /재생에너지 등의 토픽이 대두되면서 많이 떴지만 30년 이상 된 학문이다.

요약 2) 이해관계자들에 의한 편향된 결과 제공이 아닌, 중립적이고, 과학적인인 사실에 근거하고, 합으에 기반한 가이드라인이 필요하다
(neutral, scientifically oriented, consensus-based guidelines)

요약 3) 목적은 (1) 데이터 취득과 (2) LCI 분석에 사용되는 계산에 대한 내적인 일관성을 확보시켜주는 것
(Internal consistency)

요약 4) 단 한가지의 옳은 방법론이 존재하지 않는다. 다만, goal, scope, and all assumptions이 명확해야 함