티스토리 뷰

Life Cycle Impact Assessment의 각 단계가 어떠한 지표 (Inventory Indicator)와 연결이 되어 최종적으로 영향을 미치는 지에 대한 요약이다.


잘 요약된 그림이 있어서 가져와 보았다.



Fig. Schematic illustration of different levels for indicator development in life cycle assessment: the inventory, midpoint, and endpoint levels. Whole arrows represent physical flows and dashed arrows represent impact pathways (Goedkoop et al. 2013, modified)

Ref) Arvidsson, R. (2021). Inventory Indicators in Life Cycle Assessment. In: Ciroth, A., Arvidsson, R. (eds) Life Cycle Inventory Analysis. LCA Compendium – The Complete World of Life Cycle Assessment. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62270-1_8


위 중 Midpoint level에 있는 12가지가 바로 인벤토리이다.


1. Human health와 연결되는 지표 (4가지)

 Ozone depletion [kg CFC-11-eq]: Indicator of emissions to air that cause the destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer

 Human toxicity [CTUh]: Impact on humans of toxic substances emitted to the environment. Divided into non-cancer and cancer-related toxic substances.

 Radiation [kBq U-235]: Damage to human health and ecosystems linked to the emissions of radionuclides.

 Particle matter [Disease incidence]: Indicator of the potential incidence of disease due to particulate matter emissions.


2. Ecosystem services와 연결되는 지표 (4가지)

 Climate change [kg CO2-eq]: Indicator of potential global warming due to emissions of greenhouse gases to air. Divided into 3 subcategories based on the emission source: (1) fossil resources, (2) bio-based resources and (3) land use change.

 Ecotoxicity [CTUe]: Impact on freshwater organisms of toxic substances emitted to the environment.

 Acidification [kg mol H+]: Indicator of the potential acidification of soils and water due to the release of gases such as nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides

 Eutrophication (세부 3가지)

- freshwater [kg PO4-eq]: indicator of the enrichment of the freshwater ecosystem with nutritional elements, due to the emission of nitrogen or phosphor-containing compounds

 - marine [Kg N-eq]: Indicator of the enrichment of the marine ecosystem with nutritional elements, due to the emission of nitrogen-containing compounds.

- terrestrial [mol N-eq]: Indicator of the enrichment of the terrestrial ecosystem with nutritional elements, due to the emission of nitrogen containing compounds.

3. Resource availability와 연결되는 지표 (4가지)

 Land use [Dimensionless]: Measure of the changes in soil quality (Biotic production, Erosion resistance, Mechanical filtration).

 Energy use (상세 구분 필요

 Water use [m3 world eq. deprived] : Indicator of the relative amount of water used, based on regionalized water scarcity factors.

 Mineral use (상세 구분 필요)



Table 2. Parameters that describe resources used (출처: 아래 링크)


Table 3. Other environmental information: Waste type (출처: 아래 링크)


Table 4. Other environmental information: Output flows (출처: 아래 링크)



출처: https://ecochain.com/knowledge/impact-categories-lca/


Impact Categories (LCA) - Overview

Impact categories help us understand how something impacts our environment. This article gives you an overview over all impact categories.



여담 1) Impact anaylsis와 intentory analysis 에 대한 용어 구분을 잘 해야 한다.

여담 2) Mid-point / End-point 범위를 어떻게 잡고 연구를 할 것인지 고민이 필요 하다.