티스토리 뷰

주요 컨셉

LCA is a tool to evaluate the environmental consequences of a product or activity holistically, across its entire life.

There is a trend in many countries toward more environmentally benign products and processes.

A complete LCA consists of three complementary components: inventory, impact, and improvement analyses.

LCIs can be used both internally to an organization and externally with external applications requiring a higher standard of accountability.

LCI analyses can be used in process analysis, material selection, product evaluation, product comparison, and policy-making.


LCA is not necessarily a linear or stepwise process.

Ex 1) Inventory analysis alone -> identify opportunities for reducing emissions, energy consumption, and material use.

Ex 2) Impact analysis -> ecological and human health consequences and resource depletion

Ex 3) Improvement analysis -> any potential reduction strategies are optimized

이 중 1번 인벤토리 분석에 초점이 맞춰진 책이다.

1960년대에 처음으로 시작되었고, 원 재료 및 에너지 자원에 대한 맥락으로 등장.

간단 요약)

Inventory Analysis: Technical, data-based process of quantifying energy and raw material requirements, atmospheric emissions, waterborne emissions, solid wastes, and other releases for the entire life cycle of a product, package, process, material, or activity.

Impact Analysis: Technical, quantitative, and/or qualitative process to characterize and assess the effects of the resource requirements and environmental loadings.

Improvement Analysis: Needs and opportunities to reduce the environmental burden. Not been widely discussed in a public forum.

[중요 수행 단계]

Scoping (or Initiation): First activities in LCA.
 - Product, process, or activity is defined

Identifying and Setting Boundaries for LC stages
: The quality of an LCI depends on an accurate description of the system to be analyzed.


[통상적인 생애주기 단계]

1) Raw Material Acquisition
2) Manufacturing
 - Materials Manufacture
 - Product Fabrication
 - Filling/Packaging/Distribution
3) Use/Reuse/Maintenance
4) Recycle/Waste Management


[모든 단계에 적용되는 이슈들]

• Energy and Transportation

 - 프로세스 뿐만 아니라, 운송에 필요한 에너지 고려


• Environmental Waste Aspects

 - 대기 배출 (atmospheric emissions), 물을 매개로하는 오염물질 (water-borne wastes), 고체 폐기물 (solid wastes)

 - 실제 프로세스에 의하여 배출되는 것 이외에도, 운송/조업에 의한 (간접) 배출 고려


• Waste Management Practices

 - 매립 (landfilling), 소각 (incineration), 재순환 (recycling), 그리고 퇴비화 (composting)


• Allocation of Waste or Energy Among Primary and Coproducts

• Summing the Results of Each Stage

[인벤토리 분석의 적용]

인벤토리 분석 결과는: (1) 연속적인 LC impact analysis 혹은 (2) 일부분의 예비 improvement analysis로 연결.
(세 가지의 분석 기법이 어떻게 연결되는지 확인)

To Support Broad Environmental Assessments
To Establish Baseline Information
 To Rank the Relative Contribution of Individual Steps or Processes
 To Identify Data Gaps
 To Support the Policy
 To Support Product Certification
 To Provide Education for Use in Decision-Making



[ 정리 ]

전체적인 컨셉과 그 안의 세부적인 분석 종류 세 가지에 대해 세분화시켰다.
분석의 시작점과 통상적인 세부 스텝 및 모든 단계에서 공통적으로 고려해야 하는 문제들을 간단히 다루었고,
마지막으로는 그 결과에 대한 의의가 무엇인지 정성적으로 살펴보았다.


2장 끝.